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A Lot of, Lots of and A Lot:When and How to Use?

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When and how to use A Lot of, Lots of and A Lot.

Want to learn how to use and what are the differences between a lot of’ and ‘lots of? In English grammar, these words are used frequently in colloquial conversation than in writing. However, many writers use such words in books. You should learn how to use and when to use these words.

When and How to Use ‘A Lot Of’?

A Lot of is a phrase that means a “large quantity or unit of something” which may be countable or uncountable. You can use a lot of when you are going to indicate a large quantity or amount of something in a sentence.

For example:

There are a lot of people at the festival.

A lot of players participated in the tournament which was held as a means of amazement.

Don’t waste a lot of water when you are going to take a bath.

Are there a lot of opportunities for reconciliation among the rebels?

William Shakespeare wrote a lot of dramas in English.

Take a lot of food and clothing as you are going to set off for an expedition in the Atlantic.

As usual, you can see that the phrase a lot of has been used in various sentences, such as interrogative, negative, and affirmative. So, English speakers and authors generally use a lot of in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

Does A Lot of Take Singular or Plural Form of Verb or Noun?

Whether A lot of takes the singular or plural form of verb or noun depends on the noun that comes after a lot of. If the noun that comes next to a lot of is singular the verb of the sentence too is singular. Also, keep in mind that when the noun is countable, it takes its plural form. But when the noun is uncountable, it takes its singular form as the uncountable noun has no plural form.

For example:

Behold! That’s a lot of money.

Be cautious! Don’t waste a lot of water.

Don’t waste a lot of water during scarcity.

A lot of money was wasted on the project.

Oh, the hungry! Wasn’t there a lot of food to alleviate your hunger?

All are examples of sentences that have taken the singular form of the verb as the nouns are uncountable.

Let’s now look at the following sentences that took the plural forms of verbs and nouns as the nouns are countable.

A lot of competitors were taking part in the sports.

Didn’t you look at the buffoons who were merry-making and a lot of onlookers were gazing at them?

The ship sank into the whirlpool and a lot of men too couldn’t escape the havoc.

How and When to Use ‘Lots of?

Lots of means a large number or quantity of something( things, people, etc.). Lots of too can be used to denote some large quantity of something of a countable noun or a large amount of an uncountable noun. Lots of is more informal than a lot of. However, you can use both terms when you want to indicate a large quantity or amount of something.

Let’s look at the following example to have a clear understanding of how and when to use lots of.

Lots of people gathered there to enjoy the comedy.

Have you lots of money to start the project?

Have you laid aside a lot of wealth for your old age?

Lots of robbers attacked the pedestrians and stripped him of his bag and baggage.

Drink lots of water to flush out the germs of your body.

When and How to Use A Lot?

A Lot means ‘to a very large or great degree or extent. Also, it means very much or very often. and it’s an adverb in grammar. The root word is lot which has various forms of use, such as a lot of, lots of, and a lot. Each one has its particular meaning and usage in the English dialect and I have discussed the two. The remaining variation is a lot which you should learn now.


I was suffering from distress and it succumbed me to it a lot.

You are looking like your grandfather a lot.

Have you taken adequate precautionary measures to safeguard yourself from this bittering cold? You’ve to take food and clothing a lot.

I see you taking bribes a lot in the office.

Still, you have to learn a lot about math.

Haven’t you invested money in your business? Try to invest a lot.


A lot of means a huge amount of something which you can use in a sentence to indicate a great or large amount of something countable or uncountable.

Lots of too imply the same meaning. However, the former is more formal than the latter.

A lot means to a very large degree or extent or very often. It’s an adverb.


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