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Meaning and Definition of Administration

  • Editors 

Public Administration can be considered a specific type or category within the broader concept of administration. In order to grasp the essence of this term, it is essential to initially comprehend the fundamental meaning of ‘administration.'”

Meaning of the Terms of Administration

The term “administration” can take on at least four distinct meanings depending on the context in which it’s used:

  1. It can refer to a group of individuals, akin to a “cabinet” or a similar governing body that holds supreme authority over a particular domain. For instance, we mention that the first Nehru administration comprised leaders from various major political parties in India.
  2. “Administration” can also denote a field of study or intellectual discipline, such as when we assert that public administration is one of the social sciences.
  3. Another usage of the term pertains to the collective set of activities carried out to put public policies into action or to deliver specific services or goods. For example, when we discuss “Indian administration,” “railway administration,” or “educational administration.”
  4. Furthermore, “administration” can denote the skill or art of effective management. For instance, when we comment that someone lacks the capacity or aptitude for “administration.”

These four meanings are so distinct from one another that it becomes challenging to devise a single, all-encompassing definition for the term.

Definitions of Administration

Want to define administration for its various occasions? Here, we have given the opinions of various political scientists who defined it from their point of view.

According to Simon, Smithbourg, and Thompson, “In its broadest sense, administration can be defined as the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals.”

Nigro emphasized the core of administration as the essential services provided to the public, such as policing, public works, education, recreation, sanitation, social security, agricultural research, national defense, and more.

Pfiffner described public administration as “doing the work of government, whether it involves operating an X-ray machine in a health laboratory or minting money in the mint.”

Z.A. Vieg stated, “In simplest terms, the administration is determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious purpose.” He further clarified that administration focuses on “what” and “how” in public administration. “What” refers to the subject matter and technical knowledge required for administrators to perform their tasks, while “how” pertains to management techniques and principles.

Marshall E. Dimock stressed the importance of cooperative programs for successful administration, highlighting that each of the above definitions underscores the indispensable nature of collaboration.

On the other hand, another set of definitions leans to define it from a managerial view:

Luther Gullick asserted, “Administration has to do with getting things done with the accomplishment of defined objectives.”

He further elaborated that administrative work involves “the organization and utilization of personnel and resources to achieve a purpose.” He likened it to a specialized profession where managers possess the skills necessary to organize and direct individuals and materials, akin to an engineer’s ability to construct structures or a doctor’s understanding of human ailments.

Additionally, the term can also refer to specific behavioral patterns common to various cooperating groups, independent of their specific goals or technological methods used to achieve those goals.

Administration is the intricate process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and overseeing activities within an organization or system to achieve specific goals efficiently and effectively. It serves as the backbone of any structured endeavor, be it in the public or private sector, and it plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of complex systems.


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