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Phrasal Verbs Keep:A Comprehensive List

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In this comprehensive list, we explore the versatile “phrasal verbs keep providing clear meanings and illustrative sentences to enhance your understanding and usage.

List of Phrasal Verbs Keep

  1. Keep up (with): Meaning: To maintain the same pace or level as someone or something. Example: She struggled to keep up with the fast-paced discussion during the meeting.
  2. Keep on: Meaning: To continue doing something without stopping. Example: Despite the challenges, they decided to keep on working towards their goals.
  3. Keep in: Meaning: To prevent something from escaping or getting out. Example: Please keep the cat in the house while we’re away.
  4. Keep to: Meaning: To adhere to a particular rule, plan, or schedule. Example: It’s essential to keep to the project timeline to ensure its success.
  5. Keep off: Meaning: To avoid stepping or treading on something. Example: Please keep off the freshly painted floor until it dries completely.
  6. Keep out: Meaning: To prevent something or someone from entering a place. Example: We installed a security system to keep out intruders.
  7. Keep away (from): Meaning: To maintain a distance or avoid someone or something intentionally. Example: He advised her to keep away from negative influences in her life.
  8. Keep down: Meaning: To control or limit the growth, increase, or expression of something. Example: The medication helps keep down the symptoms of her allergies.
  9. Keep to oneself: Meaning: To keep one’s thoughts, feelings, or personal matters private. Example: She tends to keep her emotions to herself, even in difficult situations.
  10. Keep in mind: Meaning: To remember or consider something when making decisions or judgments. Example: When planning the event, keep in mind the dietary preferences of the guests.
  11. Keep at: Meaning: To persist in doing something despite difficulties or challenges. Example: If you want to improve your skills, you need to keep at it and practice regularly.
  12. Keep back: Meaning: To withhold or hide something. Example: He decided to keep back some information until he had more concrete evidence.
  13. Keep off of: Meaning: To avoid becoming involved or interfering with a particular topic or issue. Example: Let’s keep off of politics during this family dinner to avoid any arguments.
  14. Keep from: Meaning: To prevent someone from knowing or doing something. Example: She couldn’t keep her excitement from her face when she heard the good news.
  15. Keep in touch (with): Meaning: To maintain regular communication with someone. Example: Although they live in different countries, they make an effort to keep in touch through video calls.

Learn more.

These phrasal verbs keep’ can significantly enrich your English vocabulary and enable you to express a wide range of actions and intentions effectively. Incorporating them into your language skills will enhance your ability to communicate fluently and precisely in various contexts.

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