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Public Administration and Political Science

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Want to learn what is the relationship between public administration and political science? Have you ever wondered about the intricate relationship between the practice of governance and the theories that underpin it? In the world of academia and government, the interplay between public administration and political science forms the backbone of our understanding of how societies are managed and led. In this exploration, you will embark on a journey to uncover the connections, synergies, and evolving dynamics that exist between these two fields. How do public administrators translate political theories into actionable policies, and how does political science inform the actions of those who govern? Join us as we delve into the intriguing relationship between public administration and political science

The realm of public administration and political science examines different facets of governance and offers unique perspectives on the functioning of societies.

Political science delves into the study of ‘authoritative allocations of values’ and concentrates on elucidating the intricate dynamics between the state and the individual. It seeks to unravel the mysteries surrounding the origin and essence of the state while also scrutinizing the various institutions through which society’s members wield power.

Public administration, on the other hand, is inherently entwined with the political sub-system of a society. While politics is primarily concerned with governance itself, public administration represents the practical manifestation of government actions.

Traditionally, scholars of public administration subscribed to the notion of a strict dichotomy between politics and administration. However, in recent times, there has been a notable shift in perspective, with scholars highlighting the profound interconnectedness between political science and public administration. The antiquated dichotomy theory of politics and administration has given way to the theory that perceives public administration as an integral component of the overarching political process. As John M. Gaus astutely puts it, “A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics also.” Leslie Lipson concurs, stating, “Government is a continuous process. It is true that the process contains phases. Legislation is one phase, administration another. But these are merged together and at certain points become indistinguishable.” In contemporary analyses of administration, the scope has broadened to encompass not only the processes of policy formulation but also the intricate interplay of politics and public opinion.

Beyond the realm of public policy, politics and administration intersect in various other spheres, including constitutional law, local government, and international relations.

In summary, political science grapples with the “theory” of state and government, whereas public administration predominantly deals with the “activity” of governance. Nevertheless, it is essential to recognize the profound interconnectedness of these disciplines, as they jointly shape the multifaceted landscape of public administration and political science in the contemporary world.


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