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Relation between Rights and Duties

  • Editors 
 Rights and duties are interconnected, as they both emanate from the collective awareness of individuals in society. Rights do not exist independently of society; rather, they are conferred upon us as its members. Consequently, society expects us to fulfill certain obligations. Hence, it can be asserted that rights are not devoid of corresponding duties. As succinctly put by Hobhouse, "It is in a world of duties that rights have significance."

Want to learn about the relation between Rights and duties? Rights and duties are interconnected, as they both emanate from the collective awareness of individuals in society. Rights do not exist independently of society; rather, they are conferred upon us as its members. Consequently, society expects us to fulfill certain obligations. Hence, it can be asserted that rights are not devoid of corresponding duties. As succinctly put by Hobhouse, “It is in a world of duties that rights have significance.” Our social responsibilities and duties serve as the foundation of our rights. To quote Laski, rights are “conditioned by and correlative to our social responsibilities.” We are granted rights not merely to receive, but primarily to act and contribute.

As a citizen of India, for example, I possess the right to vote, and it is my duty to exercise this right. If I am entitled to an education, it is my duty to make the most of it in order to enrich society. In the words of Laski, “I have rights, not that I may receive, but that I may do.” In essence, I am obliged to use the rights bestowed upon me to realize my full potential. Consequently, I cannot act in isolation from society; rather, I must reciprocate what I receive.

Functionality is inherent in the concept of rights. Rights are granted to me on the condition that I fulfill certain duties. I am granted rights not only for my personal well-being but also for the betterment of the broader community. As Laski aptly states, “He that will not perform functions cannot enjoy rights any more than he who will not work ought to enjoy bread.”

To Ensure Rights One Must Perform the Duty

Moreover, rights must be universal, ensuring that opportunities for self-development are equally accessible to all members of society. Consequently, every right I enjoy implies a duty on my part to respect the similar rights of others. For instance, if I have the right to walk along a street without being pushed off the pavement, it is my duty to provide me with sufficient space. Similarly, I must afford others the same courtesy, as they also possess the right to navigate the street unimpeded. This basic principle governs social behavior. My right to protection against aggression obliges me not to engage in attacks on others, just as their right to personal property necessitates respect for my belongings. Thus, every right I possess carries an inherent duty.

Rights and Duties in Terms of State

Furthermore, the State, as Barker observes, serves as the immediate source of rights. In society, our claims can only be considered legitimate when they are recognized and safeguarded by the State. Since the State is the guarantor of rights, we have a duty to fulfill certain obligations to it, including allegiance, obedience to laws, tax payments, and the responsible exercise of the right to vote. Conversely, the State is duty-bound to acknowledge and safeguard the rights essential for individual development. Should the State neglect this duty? Individuals may also refuse to fulfill their obligations towards it. Therefore, it is a sacred right and duty of an individual to challenge an unjust and despotic government and to revolt against rulers who oppose truth and justice. When the members of a State fulfill this duty, the rulers remain acutely aware of their obligations, and individuals can enjoy their rights. Consequently, rights and duties are two facets of the same ideal; rights inherently encompass duties.

Also, learn:

What are Fundamental Rights?


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