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What Is a Political System? A Must Learn Indeed!

  • Editors 

Trying to learn what is a political system? It’s a political concept that relates to power among individuals, groups, societies, and rulers. Every society in the present and past relies on political power that keeps individuals and groups in unity to formulate laws and govern by them. To define it more clearly, a political system is a set of rules and practices, formal or informal, which constitutes the framework within which struggles take place among the individuals and groups for the determination and implementation of policies, both material( distribution of goods and services) and moral(decision about what is permitted or not).

So, the concept of a political system is embedded in society, it varies as societies vary, and also, it changes as society changes, from age to age.

Also, keep in mind that it is merely a concept, not an object. Don’t compare it or think of it like a government. It exists in society but not as direct as the government. So, a political system is the natural focus of political science and hence of comparative politics. It embraces all types of activities in societies, not only the formal political institutions, which act and interact with each other, and thus form an interconnected whole. A change in a political system will affect the other parts, thus it is interconnected with each other.

A political system thus affects both the formal as well as informal institutions, states, governments, and societies.


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